ISO 12231 pdf download – Photography – Electronic still picture imaging – Vocabulary

ISO 12231 pdf download - Photography - Electronic still picture imaging - Vocabulary

ISO 12231 pdf download – Photography – Electronic still picture imaging – Vocabulary.
gamma correction
signal processing operation that changes the relative signal levels in order to adist the Image tone reproduction
[iSO 12232. ISO 16067-1 ISO 16067-2, ISO 21550)
NOTE 1 Gamma cowrec*lon is performed in part to correct br the nonhiiear tight-output versi* sigeal input characteristic ob the display. The relationship between the light input level and the output signal level, called the OECF. provides the gamma correction curveshape for an image capture device.
NOTE 2 The ganwna con-action is usully an algorithm. lookup table, or carc$t istiich Operates separately on each Colour component of an Image.
representation of an image on a substrate which is self-sustaining and reasonably permanent
[ISO 3664. ISO 17321-2. ISO 22028-1)
horizontal pixels
number of luminance pixels of image data in the main (x-axIs) scanning direction
(ISO 12234-3)
horizontal resolution
resolution value measLwed 1 the longer image dimension, corresponding to the horizontal direction for a ‘Iandscape image orientation, typically using a vertically oriented test chart feature
(ISO 12233)
illumiriance scale exposure serIes
senes of exposures produced using a constant exposure time and a varying focal plane llurninance
[ISO 14524)
CL Urn. scsI. exposur. series
Imag. data format
structure and content wtiich specifies how the data is logically organized on a given storage medium
[ISO 12234-1. ISO 12234-2)
Imag. sensor
electronic device that converts incident electromagnetic radiation into an electronic signal
[iSO 12232, ISO 12233, ISO 15739. ISO 16067-1, ISO 16067-2, ISO 21550]
spatial frequency response
measured amplitude response of an imaging system as a function of relative input spatial frequency
[ISO 12233, ISO 16067-1, ISO 16067-2, ISO 21550]
NOTE The SFR is normally represented by a curve of the output response to an input sinusoidal spatial luminance distribution of unit amplitude, over a range of spatial frequencies. The SFR is normalized to yield a value of 1.0 at a spatial frequency of 0.
spectrally neutral spectrally non-selective
exhibiting reflective or transmissive characteristics which are constant over the wavelength range of interest
[ISO 12233, ISO 16067-1, ISO 16067-2, ISO 17321-1, ISO 17321-2, ISO 21550]
cf. effectively spectrally neutral
test chart
arrangement of test patterns designed to test particular aspects of an imaging system
[ISO 12233, ISO 16067-1, ISO 16067-2, ISO 21550J
test pattern
specified arrangement of spectral reflectance or transmittance characteristics used in measuring an image quality attribute
NOTE The test pattern spectral characteristics include the types given in 2.113.110 2.113.3.
bi-tonal pattern
pattern that is spectrally neutral or effectively spectrally neutral, and consists exclusively of two reflectance or transmittance values in a prescribed spatial arrangement
NOTE Bitonal patterns are typically used to measure resolving power, limiting resolution, and SFR.
grey scale pattern
pattern that is spectrally neutral or effectively spectrally neutral, and consists of a large number of different reflectance or transmittance values in a prescribed spatial arrangement
NOTE Grey scale patterns are typically used to measure opto-electronic conversion functions.
time scale exposure series
series of exposures produced using a constant focal plane illuminance and a varying exposure time
(ISO 14524]
cf. Illuminance scale exposure series
tristimulus value
amounts of the three reference colour stimuli, in a given tnchromatic system, required to match the colour of the stimulus considered
(CIE Publication 17.4 (845-03-22), ISO 17321-1, ISO 17321-2, ISO 22028-11 cf. colour matching functions
vertical pixels
number of luminance pixels of image data in the sub-scanning (i.e. y-axis) direction
(ISO 12234-3]
vertical resolution
resolution value measured in the shorter image dimension, corresponding to the vertical direction for a “landscape image orientation, typically using a horizontally oriented test chart feature
(ISO 12233]
video signal-to-noise ratio
(video systems) ratio of the maximum (peak) output signal level to the root mean square (mis) noise level
(ISO 15739]
NOTE I Typically expressed in decibels (dB)
NOTE 2 This term should not be used to express the noise In an electronic still Imaging system.
visual resolution
spatial frequency at which the individual black and white lines of a test pattern reproduced on a display or print can no longer be distinguished by human observers, or are reproduced at a spatial frequency lower than the spatial frequency of the corresponding area of the test chart, as a result of aliasing.

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