ISO/TR 14062 pdf download – Environmental management — lntegrating environmental aspects into product design and development

ISO/TR 14062 pdf download - Environmental management — lntegrating environmental aspects into product design and development

ISO/TR 14062 pdf download – Environmental management — lntegrating environmental aspects into product design and development.
supply chain
those involved, through upstream and downstream linkages. In processes and activities delrvering value In the form of products to the user
NOTE 1 In practice, the expression ntertir*ed diain applies Iron, suppliers to those involved ii end-of-life processing NOTE 2 In practice, the expressions product chain. value cbain are often used.
4 Goal and potential benefits
The goal of integrating environmental aspects Into product design and development is the reduction of adverse environmental impacts of products throughout their entire life cycles. In striving for this goal. multiple benefits can be achieved for the organization, its competitiveness, customers and other stakeholders. Potential benefits may include:
lower costs by optimizing the use of materials and energy, more efficient processes, reduced waste disposal;
— stimulation of Innovation and creativity;
— identification of new products, e.g. from discarded materials:
meeting or sttpassing customer expectations:
enhancement of organization rage andlor brand; improved customer loyalty;
attraction of financing and investment. particularly from environmentally conscious invesiors;
— enhancement of employee motivation;
increased kno%ledge about the product;
reduction in liability through reduced environmental impacts; reduction of nsks.
improved relations with regulators;
— improved intemal and external communications.
5 Strategic considerations
5.1 General
This clause describes some of the common strategic considerations that organizations take into account when integrating environmental aspects into product desii and development. It is useful to consider the goal (see Clause 4) within the context of the organization’s existing policies, strategies and structure. These existing policies or strategies can provide valuable direction to integrating environmental aspects into product design and development.
External communication can be an opportunity for enhancing the value and benefits of integrating environmental aspects into product design and development. This communication can be to stakeholders. such as customers and suppliers, and can Include information on
product properties (performance, environmental aspects, etc.),
— proper use arid end-at-life handling of products.
There are various national and international standards lot external communication. For example, the
ISO 14020 series provides principles, examples and requirements for environmental Iabellwig.
6 Management considerations
6.1 General
This clause describes the role of top management and the importance of its commitment to a programme of Integrating environmental aspects into product desige and developmea The decisions taken by management determine the framework and targets of the programme. the level of support the work will receive and the degree of optimization the programme will achieve
6.2 Management role
The process of integrating environmental aspects into product design and development can be initiated either by management (top-down) or by designers and product developers (bottom-Up). In practice, both approaches can take place slmuflaneously Regardless of which business function initiates the process, top management level support is needed to have a significant effect on an organization’s product design and development activities.
Top management actions are needed to enable effective Implementation of procedures and programmes. This includes the allocation of sufficient financial and human resources and time for the tasks involved in integrating environmental aspects into product design and development. An effective integration programme engages actors involved in the product design and development process, such as product developers and designers, experts from marketing, production. envw-onment, procurement, service personnel and customers or thaw representatives.
In general, management may formalize its commitment to the programme by establishing particular goals within the following processes:
— continual environmental improvement of products; management of the supply chain;
— active participation In the programme by employees engaged in product design and development, and fostering the creation of new ideas and innovation.
Management establishes and maintains the basic framework within which the organization operates. When integrating envwonmental aspects into product design and development, elements of this framework may
defining the environmental vision and policy;
— defining objectives and targets to ensure legal compliance,
— reduce adverse environmental impacts of products.

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