ISO 17123-7 pdf download – Optics and optical instruments一Field procedures for testing geodetic and surveying instruments一 Part 7: Optical plumbing instruments

ISO 17123-7 pdf download - Optics and optical instruments一Field procedures for testing geodetic and surveying instruments一 Part 7: Optical plumbing instruments

ISO 17123-7 pdf download – Optics and optical instruments一Field procedures for testing geodetic and surveying instruments一 Part 7: Optical plumbing instruments.
8 Statlstcal tests
8.1 General
Statistical tests are recommended for the test procedure given in this part of ISO 17123.
For the interpretation of the results, statistical tests shall be carded out using:
— the experimental standard deviation, . of one plumbing operation carried out In both telescope positions.
the deviation. 4 of the line of siit and its experimental standard deviation. for dual-axis-compensator Instruments, & and should be separately lnvestiaated with their experimental standard deviations and sb.,
order to answer the following questions (see Table 1).
a) Is the calculated experimental standard deviation, s, smaller than the value, o stated by the manufacturer or 5mallec than another predetermined value. o?
b) Do Iwo experimental standard deviations, s arid ., as deterrnwied from two different samples of measurements belong to the same population assuming that both samples have the same ph.wnbing height. h. and the same number of degrees of freedom. i’?
The experimental standard deviations, sand ., may be obtained from:
1) two samples of measurements by the same instrument but different deservers, or
2) two samples of measurements by the same instrument at different times, or
3) two samples of measurements by different instruments
C) Is the standard deviation, c, of the x-component equal to the standard deviation, s. of the v.component of the result of the plumbing operation?
d) Is the deviation, 6 of the line of sight equal to zero?
For the following tests, a confidence level of 1 – a = 0,95 is assumed.

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