ISO 10018 pdf download – Quality management -Guidelines on people involvement and competence

ISO 10018 pdf download - Quality management -Guidelines on people involvement and competence

ISO 10018 pdf download – Quality management -Guidelines on people involvement and competence.
C) implementation (see 46): the plans and associated actions are implemented in order to achieve the obleclive of people involvement and competence;
d) evaluation (see 4.7): plans, actions arid outcomes are reviewed and evaluated for continual Improvement There should be a review carried out at every step to ensure that the input and output data are correct, These steps apply to all levels of the organization, group and individual,
4.4 AnalysIs of people Involvement and competence acquisition
4.4.1 Needs identification
The organization should Identity its short- and long-term people Involvement and competence needs at planned intervals. The identification of needs may include organization strategies, values, business plans, policies and input from interested parties, such as custorners
The identification process will begin by evaluating the current levels of people involvement and competence. identifying any limitations or gaps. The process will therefore involve the following stages of assessment:
a) identifying involvement and competence needs.
b) identifying the conditions and resources needed for people to be effective ii the workplace.
The organization should also consider whether special arrangements are necessary to reduce or manage risks associated with deficiencies in current activities. Such risks can occur, for example, where there are new or complex tasks, language barriers or organizational changes
4.4.2 Assessment
The organization should assess people involvement and competence at the individual, team and organizational levels. In order to assess the level of people involvement, leaders should define specific methods for evaluating the manner In which the people work, communicate, collaborate and network.
The assessment should be consistent with development activities. The output of the assessment should enable analysis of the fulfilment of objectives that have been established relating to people involvement and competence A record of this assessment should be maintained,
The output of the assessment defines the gaps between the existing people involvement and competence and the needs which have been identified The gaps show the areas to be developed and create the inputs to the next step
4.5 Involvement and competence planning
4.5.1 General
Upon completion of the gap analysis, the organization should follow and maintain procedures to plan its people Involvement and competence acquisition. This includes developing and establishing short-term and long-term competence objectives at both the organizational and individual level. The objectives should be approved and documented.
The plans should be integrated into the annual organizational and financial planning, in order to ensure that there are planned resources to reach the objectives of people involvement and competence.
4.5.2 Organizational plannIng
Competence acquisition and people involvement plans should b. based on the strategic roadmap which influences the future needs These plans should be documented and should include the following:
— objectives and requirements based on the organizations strategic direction;
— defined activities and responsibilities;
5 Management responsibility
5.1 Management commitment
When demonstrating their commitment to people involvement, management should:
a) explain to the people In the organization the value created by the quality management systems:
b) ensure that quabty management objectives are set and deployed throughout the organization:
c) ensure awareness of the relationship between the quality management systems and financial performance.
5.2 Customer focus
In enhancing customer satisfaction, top management should help people understand the following:
a) the relationships between their jobs and the needs and expectations of interested parties;
b) the impoilance of customer satisfaction.
5.3 QualIty policy
When creating the policy and ensuring this is understood, top management should:
a) discuss the policy to promote understanding.
b) ensure that the policy balances the needs and expectations of all interested parties:
C) encourage people to understand the policy’s relevance and explain the relationship between the pollcy and each person’s activity;
d) show people the relationship between policies and business or operational plans.
5.4 QualIty objectives and planning
When ensunng that measurable quality objectives are established in the organization, top management snould:
a) explain the objectives to people;
b) monitor their achievement;
c) align people activities with the o’ganizatonal objectives;
d) involve people in the creation and updating of objectives which impact on them.
5.5 Responsibility, authority and communication.

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