ISO 10161-2 pdf download – lnformation and documentation – Open systems Interconnection – lnterlibrary Loan Application Protocol Specification 一Part 2: Protocol implementation conformance statement (PICS) proforma

ISO 10161-2 pdf download - lnformation and documentation - Open systems Interconnection - lnterlibrary Loan Application Protocol Specification 一Part 2: Protocol implementation conformance statement (PICS) proforma

ISO 10161-2 pdf download – lnformation and documentation – Open systems Interconnection – lnterlibrary Loan Application Protocol Specification 一Part 2: Protocol implementation conformance statement (PICS) proforma.
A.10support for APDU Parameters
Tho baso standard, ISO 10161-1 (clauso 10.1 g). requires that an implementation shall be capable of receiving
APDUs with data for all parameters. This section. theretfore, deals with the requirements ftor support of parameters insent APDUs.
NOTE – This does not imply that all parameters shall necessarily be acted upon, nor that the capabilities implicit in
different values of a parameter shal necessaily be implemenled.For instance, all implermentations, receivinganlll-Request APDU must be prepared to accopt all valuos of the paramotor permission-to-chain; this does notimply that all implementations must support chaining. What local action is taken by an implementation or auser in response to a value of a parameter, other than the maintenance of timers and variables as specified inthe protocol. is not addiressed by IsO 10161-1.
Mandatory support for a pararmeter thus requlres that an lmplermentation shall always be capable of sendingdata for that parameter and that, if the implementation has or can generate data for that parameter, then itshall lways send it. For instance. the transaction-ld parameter is mandatory in all APDUs. and implementationsshall always send data in this parameter, however, the client-id parameter in the Shipped APDU is also
mandatory, but data can only be sent in this parameter if a client-id was provided in the original IlLL-Request -if this data was provided, then the parameter must be sent.
Indicate in the tables below the degree of support or otherwisc for the APDU parameters as defined in clause 9 ofISO 10161-1. if the implementation supports diferent values (or has different constraints) for different roles.,this shouldbe irdicated.

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